Dance of depths


Dark Dance is a non-vocal language spoken by the Nur'Errkhorr. It is a language that somewhat resembles a dance number in its most commonly used form and whose speakers reside in caves and were feared, hence the name. This language is deeply tied to the speaker's body and can be properly spoken only by the Nur'Errkhorr, the sophont species in which the language originated. These sophonts have no vocal cords and focus their attention on bodies, and so languages like this one are only natural to them. Dark Dance has two forms - the dance form and the touch form. The dance form is when the speaker moves their whole body and changes colour to communicate. The touch form is when the speaker uses hands, wings, and the head to touch the body of the listener to communicate. Touch form has a very intimate character, and although it can be understood from observing two people communicating using this form, the sensory stimuli give the words completely different emotional meaning for the 'listener' who is being touched. Each touch can also be done with different levels of haste, urgency, and pressure, shifting the emotional value of sentences further. There can be a fluent transition between the two, for example, when the speaker wants to exaggerate something in the sentence by suddenly shifting from the dance form to the more intimate touch form.